

Sunday 10 April 2016

Starflight by Melissa Landers - review


Publisher: DISNEY-HYPERION (18 Feb. 2016)

Solara Brooks needs a fresh start, someplace where nobody cares about the engine grease beneath her fingernails or the felony tattoos across her knuckles. The outer realm may be lawless, but it's not like the law has ever been on her side. It's been a long time since Solara has believed in anyone, and Doran is the last person she expected to trust. But when the Banshee's dangerous enemies catch up with them, Solara and Doran must come together to protect the ship that has become their home - and the eccentric crew that feels like family. (Publishers' Blurb)

The blurb of this book ticked so many boxes for me - I love anything Western-like and the hinted romance was promising. I took it on holiday hoping for a fun, fast paced read and that was exactly what I got.

I haven't read a lot of YA set in space so this was a refreshing change. The sci-fi elements and the Western feel of a lawless realm complimented each other. My favourite part of this was the ship's crew: a flawed mixture of characters that were all interesting and well developed. The romantic elements were suitably drawn out and incredibly enjoyable (although a tad predictable). 

The dialogue in this book was another strength, as it was witty and believable (not unlike the TV show Firefly, which shares a lot of elements with this book)

This was a thoroughly entertaining, action-packed read. I'll definitely check out the Alienated series by Melissa Landers after reading this. 

Image result for four silver stars

If you liked the sound of this, now try:

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

1 comment:

  1. I keep hearing such wonderful things about this book. I love the idea of mixing Wild West with sci-fi space themes. I'm glad the dialogue was awesome too. I have this book, so I'll definitely check it out :D Great review!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books
