Tabby Brown is tired of trying to fit in. She doesn't want to go to parties - in fact, she would much rather snuggle up on the sofa with her favourite book. It's like she hasn't found her people...
Then Tabby joins a club that promises to celebrate books. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING - especially when making new friends brings out an AWKWARD BUZZING feeling all over her body. But Olivia, Cassie, Henry and Ed have something that makes Tabby come back. Maybe it's the Austen-themed fancy-dress parties, or Ed's fluffy cat Mrs Simpkins, or could it be Henry himself ...
Can Tabby let her weird out AND live THE BEST BOOKISH LIFE POSSIBLE?
I was really excited as soon as I heard about The Paper & Hearts Society – a bookish novel from one of my favourite bookish YouTubers!
My favourite thing about this book is how relatable it is. Tabby's experiences seemed authentic and her reactions to social situations felt very familiar from my teen years. I really enjoyed reading this book as an adult and I definitely would have adored it as a teenager!
The voice of this book also feels really natural and heartfelt. Through realistic dialogue and the narrative that gave an insight into Tabby's thoughts, it really felt like you got to know her as a character. I also liked the secondary characters, especially Tabby's friendship with Ed. It reminded me a lot of friendships I had with boys as a teen and was just really lovely!
Another great part is the bookish references. I'd read a lot the YA books that Tabby references but came away from the book determined to read The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I also really liked it that the characters go on a literary road trip, particularly as I'd visited a couple of the locations.
This book is a light, fun read that made me feel happy and uplifted (except when I was worried for Tabby). It's a brilliant start to a series and I'm already looking forward to the next instalment!